BBSnet Services
BBSnet's channel registration service, ChanServ, allows users to register their channel instantaneously, giving them freedom to use their channel without fear of a takeover. In addition, ChanServ does not sit in the channel, as it can change modes from outside the channel, therefore it doesn't clutter the channel list. To see help for a command, please click on it in the list below.
ChanServ commands
- REGISTER - To have ChanServ
start controlling your channel.
- SET - To set various channel options.
- SOP - control the superop lists for channel
- AOP - control the autoop lists for channel
- AKICK - To place an auto kick on someone.
- DROP - To stop ChanServ control of a channel.
- IDENTIFY - To identify yourself as founder
of a channel to make certain changes.
- ACCESS - To find out one's
access level for a channel.
- OP - To have ChanServ set a channel
mode +o (op) someone.
- UNBAN - To have ChanServ unban
yourself, or all banned addresses.
- INFO - To obtain information on a
certain channels
- INVITE - To use ChanServ
to invite users to a channel
- MDEOP - To have ChanServ mass deop the
- MKICK - To have ChanServ mass kick
the channel, resetting all modes.
For further assistance, try /chanserv help while connected to BBSnet.
(You may use the Java client.)
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