An AutoOp is a user with special privileges on a channel; the main one
being that they will be automatically opped (receive operator status - @)
by ChanServ upon entering the channel. Others include any setting the
founder of the channel may set to AOps or higher. Below you can find the information you need to know about adding, deleting,
and maintaining a list of AOps on your channel. There are also some Extra Notes on some of the miscellaneous information
about this function of services.
/chanserv aop (channel) ADD (nick) or (mask)
NOTE: you do not need to use parentheses; the parts of the msg that are in
caps are part of the aop command; without them, aop is pretty much
Substitute the channel name, for example #dragonrealm here.
The add command allows you to add a user to your channel's list of AOps.
Put the nick of the user you want to have aops here; for example, theri
In the event that a user has not registered their nick with
NickServ, you may
add them to the list using their address, which can include wild cards.
Examples of this could be: ejc6302@* (for theri) or (for matti)
/chanserv aop #dragonrealm ADD ejc6302@*
This last command, when completed successfully, would have ChanServ reply as such:
-ChanServ- Added AutoOp on #dragonrealm: matti - entry 42
The entry number and minutes will change depending on your channel list
and the time left to database sync.
NOTE: you use EITHER the person's nick OR their address. The address is
normally only used in cases when a person has not registered their nick.
The del command allows you to delete a user from your channel's list of AOps.
-ChanServ- AutoOp search results for channel #Gryphons
If you didn't want matti to be an AOp anymore, you could just del number 4.
/chanserv aop #my_channel DEL daluser@*.*.*.*
This last command, when completed successfully, would have ChanServ reply as such:
-ChanServ- Removed AutoOp on #Gryphons: matti
The nick and minutes will change depending on who is entry number 2 on your aop
list and the time left to database sync.
NOTE: you use EITHER the person's nick, the index number, OR their address. The
address is normally only used in cases when a person has not registered their nick.
The list comand allows you to show a list of all the aops currently entered on your channel.
If you type the list command by itself, it will come up with an
index of your aops. If you add part of an address or nick you want
ChanServ to search for, it will come up will all possible matches.
For example, you could use matti, or **
/chanserv aop (channel) DEL (index number), (nick) or (mask)
/chanserv aop (channel) LIST (search pattern)
/chanserv aop #my_channel ADD daluser@*.*.*.*
/chanserv aop #dragonrealm ADD matti
-ChanServ- Change will become permanent at next database sync in 5 minute(s)
Put the nick of the user whose aops you want deleted here; for example, matti
You may obtain an index (numbered) list of your AOps by using the
LIST command. The output from a list
command of AOps would look something like this:
-ChanServ- 5 Penka (
-ChanServ- 4 matti (
-ChanServ- 3 *!*
-ChanServ- 2 Wolenczak (
-ChanServ- 1 MoMar (
-ChanServ- [5 match(es) found]
In the event that a user has not registered their nick with NickServ, you may del them from the
list using their address, which can include wild cards. Using the case
above, you would delete kestral from your AOps list by using her address,
/chanserv aop #gryphons DEL matti
/chanserv aop #gryphons DEL *!*
/chanserv aop #gryphons DEL 4
-ChanServ- Change will become permanent at next database sync in 2 minute(s)
NOTE: the * *
surrounding are necessary to do that type of search.
Generally, it is better to add aops to your channel list by nick.