AKick stands for Automatic Kick. Once placed on the akick list, the
problem user will be automatically kicked and banned upon entering the
channel for the first time. Below you can find all the
information regarding this function of Chanserv, as well as some Extra Notes on some of the finer points of the
/chanserv akick (channel) ADD (nick) or (mask)
NOTE: you do not need to use parentheses; the parts of the msg that are in
caps are part of the akick command; without them, akick is pretty much
/chanserv akick #dragonrealm ADD cnorkus@*.*.interaccess.com
This last command, when completed successfully, would have
ChanServ reply as such:
-ChanServ- Added AutoKick on #dragonrealm: the_saviour(*!*ali@*.netcomuk.co.uk) - entry 22
The entry number, address and minutes will change depending on your
channel list, the address of the user, and the time left to database sync.
NOTE: you use EITHER the person's nick OR their address.
-ChanServ- AutoKick search results for channel #dragonrealm
If you didn't want the_saviour to be on the akick list anymore,
you could just del number 3.
/chanserv akick #my_channel DEL *!*daluser@*.*.*.*.dynip.alter.net
This last command, when completed successfully, would have ChanServ reply
as such:
The address and minutes will change depending on who is entry number 3 on
your akick list and the time left to database sync.
NOTE: you use EITHER the index number, OR their address.
/chanserv akick (channel) DEL (index number) or (mask)
/chanserv akick (channel) LIST (search pattern)
Substitute the channel name, for example #dragonrealm here.
The add command allows you to add a user to your channel's list of AKicks.
Put the nick of the user you want to be kick/banned
from the channel here; for example, Soil
In the event that a user has not registered their nick
with NickServ, you
may add them to the list using their address, which can
include wild cards. Examples of this could be:
ali@*.netcomuk.co.uk (for the_saviour) or
(for PrincessDi).
/chanserv akick #my_channel ADD daluser@*.*.*.*.dynip.alter.net
/chanserv akick #dragonrealm ADD Soil
-ChanServ- Change will become permanent at next database sync in 9 minute(s)
The del command allows you to delete a user from your
channel's list of AKicks.
You may obtain an index (numbered) list of AKicks by using the
LIST command. The output from
a list command of AKicks would look
something like this:
-ChanServ- 3 *!*ali@*.netcomuk.co.uk
-ChanServ- 2 *!*cnorkus@*.*.interaccess.com
-ChanServ- 1 *!*lydian@*.voicenet.com
-ChanServ- [3 match(es) found]
While AKicks can be added by nick, they cannot be deleted by nick.
The options you have are either by index number or mask. The
list above shows you the masks you would need to delete; for
example, *!*lydian@*.voicenet.com
/chanserv akick #dragonrealm DEL *!*lydian@*.voicenet.com
/chanserv akick #dragonrealm DEL 3
-ChanServ- Removed AutoKick on #dragonrealm: *!*ali@*.netcomuk.co.uk
-ChanServ- Change will become permanent at next database sync in 12 minute(s)
One other important thing to remember when attempting to delete an akick is
that if the person has attempted to come to the channel and has been banned by
ChanServ, not only do you need to delete the address from the akick list, you
also need to remove the ban.