/chanserv info (channel)
NOTE: you do not need to use parentheses.
Using this command on #dragonrealm:
/chanserv info #dragonrealm
Will provide you with:
-ChanServ- *** Info on #dragonrealm
-ChanServ- Founder : MirclMax (spike@voyager.abac.com)
-ChanServ- Mode Lock : +nt-spk
-ChanServ- Last Topic : Welcome to #dragonrealm, if you need an IRCop or CSop,
speak up. For general help, try #help or #irchelp.
-ChanServ- Description: DALnet Operator Channel
-ChanServ- URL : http://www.dal.net
-ChanServ- Options : "Sticky" Topics
-ChanServ- Registered : Mon Jan 23 15:33:46 1995
-ChanServ- Last opping: Sun Jul 7 19:22:12 1996
-ChanServ- *** End of info
The information will be different for every channel; some of these options you see won't be on every channel - it depends on what the founder sets.
This command can be used for a variety of things:
/chanserv info #abcxyz
If it was registered you would get something similar to the information on #dragonrealm above.
-ChanServ- Channel #abcxyz is not registered
You can check the web pages on the command you are using, and can see
what that command will look like when completed correctly. Aside from
that, as an example, you are trying to set your modes using
mlock. After completing the command,
you can check your channel using info and can see if the modes are
set, as above: Mode Lock : +nt-spk
It's a good way
to check your work.
More and more channels these days are creating their own web pages.
If they have it listed, you can find it here.
If you have a problem with a channel (you were banned, you want ops,
anything of that nature) you can find out the founder's nick and address
to either e-mail them or memo