FOUNDER - Allows you to change the channel
PASSWD - Lets you change the channel
founder's password.
DESC - Modifies the channel's description.
MLOCK - Locks the channel to certain
OPGUARD - Allows a more militant channel
operator protection.
KEEPTOPIC - Maintains the topic when no
one is on the channel.
URL - Attaches a URL to the channel.
TOPICLOCK - Allows the founder to allow
access to the topic only to certain people.
LEAVEOPS - Makes the channel behave
differently depending on the option set.
UNSECURE - Allows you to make a channel
less secure than normal.
PRIVATE - Turns on/off the privacy function
of a channel.
/chanserv set (channel) (command) (value)
NOTE: you do not need to use parentheses.
NOTE: you can also get a list of the commands by typing /chanserv help set
/chanserv set #dragonrealm mlock +nt-spk
/chanserv set #dragonrealm url
/chanserv set #dragonrealm private off
/chanserv set #dragonrealm opguard on
This last command, when completed successfully, would have ChanServ reply as such:
-ChanServ- Op guarding option on channel #dragonrealm is now ON
-ChanServ- Change will become permanent at next database sync in 2 minute(s)
The channel and minutes will change depending on the name of your channel and the time left to database sync.
You must be the channel founder, or have access (the password to the channel) in order to use this command.