/chanserv set (channel) passwd (password)
NOTE: you do not need to use parentheses.
/chanserv set #hotsoup passwd ISHkaBIB1e
ChanServ would respond:
-ChanServ- Founder access password for #hotsoup changed to ISHkaBIB1e
-ChanServ- Change will become permanent at next database sync in 11 minute(s)
Obviously, the name of the channel, the password, and the number of minutes left to database sync will change depending on what you input.
-ChanServ- Password authentication required for that command:
It means that you need to identify
yourself, letting ChanServ know that you have access to that
command. Only the founder of the channel can change these settings.
-ChanServ- Access denied to that function for channel #hotsoup
Several things are possible:
-ChanServ- Syntax error: SET <#channel> <command> [<value>]
It means you typed the command wrong, somehow. A common error is to
type passwORd instead of passwd - make sure you have used the correct
command name.
-ChanServ- Retry after typing /msg ChanServ identify #hotsoup <password>
/motd services.*
and then finding
one of those people listed on-line. You can also go to #dragonrealm if you
are unable to find a services op; perhaps they will be able to find one for
-ChanServ- For help: /msg ChanServ HELP SET