With this command, you can find out what your status on a registered channel is - Founder, SuperOp, AutoOp, or Basic:
/chanserv access (channel) [(nick)]
NOTE: you do not need to use parentheses or brackets.
ACC (channel) (nick) (user@host) (access level)
The returned access level is a number from 0 to 3, where 0=basic, 1=AutoOp, 2=SuperOp, and 3=founder. If the user is not online, the user@host and access level will be *UNKNOWN* and 0, respectively.
/chanserv access #dragonrealm
For any normal user on #dragonrealm, ChanServ would tell you the following:
-ChanServ- Your channel access to #dragonrealm is Basic level.
/chanserv access #dragonrealm WebCat
This command, when completed successfully, would have ChanServ reply as such:
-ChanServ- ACC #dragonrealm webcat overall@ 1