Recommended Reading
This page is a compilation of thoughts and ideas to share with
you to use as a guide. This guide will allow you to answer simple questions
yourself or be aware how to navigate around BBSnet the first time.
- Learn how to access the help files (/nickserv help, /chanserv
help, /memoserv help) and do so. Explore the helpfiles. Learn what
commands are available and how to use them.
- Go to the BBSnet website ( Look around and pick up
information there. The more you understand about irc the more you can do.
- Remember your passwords. Don't lose them.
- If you have a channel try to get knowledgeable AOPs and SOPs who will
be present and know how to protect your channel. Never let anyone you
don't trust be opped. Never ever SOP someone you don't trust a lot.
- Don't tell people your passwords for any reason. The only exception
is if you have forgotten your password and a CSop is helping you recover
- Learn to /whois nick if someone claims to be an IRCop. Learn what a
real IRCop looks like and don't be fooled by people pretending. Report
them to an IRCop if they are pretending.
- Unless you have a really good reason, founders should mlock -kl. If
you know what they do (key and limits) and actually use them, then don't
mlock it. But if so learn how to use the mdeop and mkick commands so
that you can recover your channel if you need to.
- If someone harasses you or floods you, log it. As soon as someone
starts flooding you find an IRCop, for more information check here. They
will probably ask you to switch nicks so they can see the flooding. Come
to get help before the flooding stops.
- Go to #BBS or #help,unless you need an IRCop. #OperHelp is not a general help channel.
- Follow the basic rules, don't flood, run unallowed clones or
fserves, ask for or request kiddie porn or warez.
- If someone needs help, help them if you can. Direct them to where
they can get help if you can't.
- Be polite and friendly. And have a good time. :-)