This FAQ consists of answers to several frequently asked questions on the IRC newsgroups and the BBSnet IRC Network help channels. Please email questions to
IRC stands for Internet Relay Chat. IRC is a program that provides a forum for many people to talk to each other. IRC allows hundreds and thousands of people to chat together in a forum called an IRC Net.
The IRC net is made up of several servers linked together. Typing /links will show you a list of the servers connected to that particular IRC Net. There are several IRC nets - three of which you are probably most familiar with are called EFnet, UnderNet and BBSnet.
If you are coming from AOL or Prodigy, you may already be familiar with the "rooms" feature. In IRC these are not called "Rooms", rather they are referred to as "Channels". Each Channel is designated with a # sign or a & sign in front of its name. BBSnet has a special channel feature which allows + channels instead of # or & channels. What's the difference? Simple - a # channel has all privileges of a regular channel - it can set modes and carry op status. A + channel has no modes and no ops.
1.1a - Why can't I join a + channel?
Some clients aren't able to handle the + channels properly. Try type /quote join +channelname or /raw part +channelname to join and leave.
1.2 - Do I need software?
Yes you will need some sort of IRC Software in order to access IRC directly. These can be obtained from the Clients section. If you are accessing IRC through a Unix account/school vax account, ask your system administrator if they have an IRC Client installed already. If so on most systems you can type 'irc' and enter into IRC from there.
From your web browser you can use BBSnet's Java client; you do not need any new software for this.
BBSnet allows you to TELNET into IRC as well. To do this simply type telnet - login as BBSnet and choose your nick from there. Note: While using the telnet client, you cannot change servers.
You may want to contact your system administrator before setting up any IRC Clients on your computer. They may have a client they recommend and/or can guide you through some of the proper setup instructions.
1.3 - Where can I get the software?
You can download a client for any platform (Unix, VMS, Windows98, Windows95, Windows 3.x or Macintosh) from our Clients section. Or contact your system administrator - find out what they recommend.
1.4 - How do I setup my software?
You can check the website of the specific client; get the URLs in our Clients section, or you may contact your system administrator for specific setup information. Always read the README files that are included with most software packages - especially shareware packages. They can be of great use at times.
1.4a - I'm having trouble connecting...
A: Have you specified port 7000? If you are unsure of a port, visit our BBSnet Servers Listing and check for the correct port to use. The syntax in specifing a port is:
/server 6667
Where is the server you are using and 6667 is the port at which you'll be connecting at.
1.4b - I have specified port 7000 but I still can't connect!
Try another server. For a listing view our BBSnet Servers Listing.
1.4c - I have port 7000 specified and I tried another server but I'm *still* not connecting!
You can check our Problems Connecting document for further assistance.
1.5 - What is BBSnet?
BBSnet began early in 1995 by Dalvenjah FoxFire. It was then that Dalvenjah and his friends MirclMax, Morpher and Lefler first realized that IRC could be safe from the havoc of Efnet. Soon afterwards BBSnet had channel and NickServ registration services, with MemoServ to follow soon afterwards. BBSnet began to grow quickly during the summer of 1995, both in users and in servers. Soon MirclMax found his one wish rewarded as BBSnet hit 5000 users just days before Max was to graduate. We continue to grow and remain loyal to our users.
Through BBSnet Services we provide a safe enviroment for users to chat. With Channel and Nickname registration, users can once again control their chat time. Our motto is "The Friendly Net" and our goal is to remain that.
1.6 - How can I get to BBSnet?
You have three ways to reach BBSnet in order to chat.
b) Java Client - chat quickly and easily from your own web browser.
c) Telnet Client - telnet to BBSnet by typing telnet - login as BBSnet and choose your nick. NOTE: when using the telnet client, you cannot change servers.
1.7 - Where can I find information about BBSnet?
Information about BBSnet can be found at You can also read our newsgroup alt.irc.BBSnet. If you do not get this newsgroup, submit a request to your server's News administrator - they should be able to recieve the group within a few days.
1.8- How can I find out what's happening on BBSnet?
Another way to keep in touch with BBSnet is by subscribing to our
mailing lists. The BBSnet-announce mailing list is made
primarily for users wanting to keep up with all the latest information
about BBSnet. The BBSnet-administration list gives information on new services commands, and how to use them, security help,
where to find help if you need it and the status of applying servers.
To subscribe to any of our mailing lists check our mailing lists page.
1.9 - Why is it called BBSnet?
BBSnet was named after its founder - dalvenjah.
1.10 - What are some good channels to try first?
Check our Channels To Try page, as well as our "Getting help online" reference.
1.11 - Where can I get a list of servers?
You may visit server list to find a list of BBSnet servers.
Another way to obtain a list of BBSnet servers is by typing /links or /map while on IRC. Beware, this may cause your IRC Client to scroll unexpectedly.
1.12 - Who wrote BBSnet's ircd?
The IRCD Coding team consists of:
Micheal Raistlin_Mejere Rakarra White_Dragon
1.13 - Who is person in charge of BBSnet?
The Founder of BBSnet is BBSvenjah FoxFire. He along with the Executive Board (current members: JoeBlow, taz, Watchman) control all the main arms of the network.
1.14 - How can I help out?
You can help out online by going to the help channels and aiding users there.
1.15 - What are those @ symbols?
The @ you see is used in IRC to denote who in the channel has op status.
In IRC Channels are controled by channel operators, they have the ability to kick people out, ban them from a channel and/or change the channel topic (For channels that are +t)
A rule of thumb: Don't go into a channel demanding or requesting ops. That will come in time. Be kind and hang around and eventually you'll be trusted with the Channel operator status.
Please Note: Channel operators are NOT IRCops.
1.16 - What is a bot?
A bot is a program used to simulate a user while on IRC. It connects just like a user would however bots are not real people. The owner of the bot programs it to do certain functions, relay messages between channels, relay messages between the IRC Nets, or just for fun, i.e. a bartender bot or a random quote bot. BBSnet has a STRICT policy against clone bots or war bots. ALL BOTS ON BBSnet MUST BE REGISTERED.
A Clone bot is just like a regular bot, however it has the ability to spawn off several copies of itself onto an IRC Server. Sometimes this can range into the hundreds. They are mainly used to cause trouble, flood a user off IRC, annoy people or just give someone a very unpleasant experience. War Bots operate much in the same way but are more focused on the job. War Bots can also be clone bots and a clone bot can be a war bot - it all depends on how much damage occurs.
NOTE: If you are caught running War bots or Clone bots on BBSnet - you will face a kline and/or possible termination from your ISP. BBSnet does work closely with many ISP's to get rid of trouble users.