1. Introduction
2. Services offered
3. BBSnet's administration
4. Procedures
5. Server technical requirements
6. Policy decisions
This document is the policies and procedures that define BBSnet's organizational structure, operating procedures and service.
It is the goal of the BBSnet IRC Network to provide a network to which people may connect for the purpose of chatting, an environment in which those people may feel safe and enjoy themselves and friendly staff available to assist. The policies and rules are very simple:
I. BBSnet Provides its users the following:All clients connecting to BBSnet must agree to refrain from Using clones (multiple clients being operated by the same person or IP).
No mass messaging or inviting allowed.
No harrasment of other users or admins.
Bots are allowed, but must be identifiable as bots.
A. Channel Registration.
On BBSnet, channels are registered by users. Unlike other networks, the current op-holder does NOT necessarily own the channel. BBSnet has a service called ChanServ, with which a user can register a channel and assign ops and superops, as well as perform various other functions relating to channel security and management.
Prohibits illegal activities -- BBSnet reserves the right to deny use of its nickname and channel registration services to users who are suspected of abusing those services or otherwise engaging in illegal activities.
B. Nickname Registration.
BBSnet's users may register their nickname and decide whether they will allow anyone else to use it. If a nick is not used within the expiration time set by the Services Team, NickServ will expire its registration and the nick will be available to anyone who wishes to register it.
Please note the following restrictions:
1. Mass/Multiple nickname registrations.
2. Mass/Multiple channel registrations.
3. Flooding/spamming users via MemoServ.
4. Use of *!*@*.* in access/aop/sop lists.
C. Server Admins (Admins).
Admin responsibilities include:
Admin rights include:
a. IRC Operators - Server Team Staff (IRCops).
A BBSnet IRC Operator assists the Admin in server maintenance as assigned and helps maintain network stability. IRCops assist users in becoming oriented to the BBSnet network, BBSnet Services and in the mediation of disputes. IRCops offer assistance in resolving conflict and work with other administrative staff to maintain a safe environment.
A. Server Links.
1. Linking New Servers To BBSnet.
b) After the application is processed, it will be posted to the main BBSnet mailing list, This will start the CFD (Call For Discussion) process, which will last no more than 5 days after the application has been posted. ALL discussion must take place on the main list, except when portions have the potential to compromise the security of any BBSnet server.
c) If a Yes vote is reached, current hub admins should get together with the new admin and exchange C/N/H line information. Servers which receive a No vote may re-apply in 3 months, and must go through the full application process once more. There will be only one re-application per server/admin/co-admin allowed.
2. Additional Links.
Additional servers (beyond one extra) may be added to expand the capability of the site.
A server may be temporarily delinked (juped) if it shows considerable disruption to the rest of the network, such as failure to update the ircd files in a timely manner. This action should be no longer than 5 days. Otherwise, it qualifies for delink.
All changes of network configuration (C/Ns and autoconnects) are subject to
the approval of the Routing Director, in conjunction with the Routing Team,
and that any changes under consideration or placed into emergency action
should be sent immediately to
BBSnet servers will run the version of ircd approved by the Technical Director. The latest version can be found at:
Minimum requirements for BBSnet servers are determined by the Routing Team.
A. The procedure for registering a complaint about an IRC Operator or Admin is:
B. BBSnet staff will not: Use profanity, exhibit sexual behavior in public while 'on duty', impose unwanted sexual behavior toward others, harrass staff or users, exhibit stalking behavior, abuse services, abuse oper commands, be disrespectful toward staff or users, neglect responsibility toward the server or damage property.
It will be assumed that an oper is 'On Duty' when at least one of the following conditions exists. The oper is:
C. Possible consequences: Consequences for misbehavior by an IRCop are decided by the Admin alone or in conjunction with the CEO. Consequences may include:
BBSnet is committed to facilitating the supervisory relationship between Server Admins and their IRCops. Every effort will be made to resolve problems at that level first.